Former India Shooting coach Pawan Singh to conduct training to create future shooting judges
Pune, March 22 : Pawan Singh, Joint Secretary of National Rifle Association of India, former coach of Indian Shooting Team and the co-founder of Gun for Glory Shooting Academy will conduct training to create shooting judges during the upcoming Shooting World Cup being organized in China next month
Pawan Singh is the first Indian who has been appointed by the International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) to conduct training for future judges for rifle and pistol competitions. A special training camp has been organized in Beijing, China from March 25th to March 31st where Singh will train the participants to become jury for Shooting World Cups
“This is a very proud moment for me. China has always been known for having excellent infrastructure for sports which has helped their athletes to excel in their respective sport. China is also the leading country when it comes to shooting. I will try my best to share with the participants my experience in Shooting over the years. I will also gain something from listening to their experiences.” said Pawan Singh.
Pawan Singh was the Competitions Manager in the recent ISSF world held in New Delhi. His approach and contribution in changing the look and feel of the final hall during this world cup was widely appreciated.