6 Lower Division Clerk, MTS & Research Officer Vacancy with Urdu Council

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Online applications (through website of National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language NCPUL at www.urducouncil.nic.in) are invited
for filling up the following posts:-

 Post Name No Of Vacancy Pay Scale
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) 02 19000 – 63200/- Level -2
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) 03 18000 – 56900/- Level -1
Research Officer (RO) 01 47600 – 151100/- Level -8

Eligibility Criteria for NCPUL LDC Recruitment

Post Name Educational Qualification Age Limit (As on 29.07.2019)
LDC Matriculation or equivalent and On manual typewriter 25 w.p.m. or on computer 30 w.p.m. in English. 18 to 27 years
MTS Matriculation or equivalent. 18 to 25 years
RO Atleast Second Class Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Science/Art/Edu./Commerce. 40 years

Age Limit

For Research Officer:- 40 years of age as on closing date i.e. 29-07-2019 upper age limit is relax-able to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EX-Servicemen & other categories of persons as per rules/instructions of Govt. of India if the vacancy is reserved for them.

For Lower Division Clerk:- 18-27 years. 27 years of age as on closing date i.e. 29-07-2019 upper age limit is relax-able to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EX-Servicemen & other categories of persons as per rules/instructions of Govt. of India if the vacancy is reserved for them.

For Multi Tasking Staff:- 18-25 years. 25 years of age as on closing date i.e. 29-07-2019 upper age limit is relax-able to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EX-Servicemen & other categories of persons as per rules/instructions of Govt. of India if the vacancy is reserved for them.

Educational Qualifications:
For Research Officer
1. Atleast Second Class Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Science/Art/Edu./Commerce (according to the requirements of the post).
2. Must have taken Urdu as optional subject at Degree level in the case of M.A. & at High
School/Higher Secondary level in the case of M.Sc.
3. 5 years experience in teaching/research or translation/editing/terminological work in
Urdu and General Administration.

For Lower Division Clerk
1. Matriculation or equivalent.
2. On manual typewriter 25 w.p.m. or on computer 30 w.p.m. in English Desirable:
a. Urdu/Hindi Typing “On manual type writer 25 w.p.m. or on computer 30 w.p.m.
b. Working knowledge of Urdu/Hindi.
c. Knowledge of Computer Operation

For Multi Tasking Staff
1. Matriculation or equivalent.
Preference will be given to persons having Urdu subject at Matriculation level or one year Diploma/Certificate in Urdu from any Govt. Institutions.

How to Apply:-
1) Candidates are advised to read the instruction carefully “Guidelines to Candidates Option”
given on NCPUL website.
2) Candidates should first scan their Photograph and signature as detailed under guidelines
for scanning the photograph and signature and then have to visit NCPUL website
www.urducouncil.nic.in for filling the Online Application Registration.
3) Fill the application carefully and submit the online application. When the application is successfully submitted, a registration number will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidates should print/note down the registration number for further reference. Candidates can reopen the saved data by using Registration number, can edit before final submission of application on final screen. The registration at this stage is provisional.
4) Candidates will receive registration confirmation by E-MAIL after submitting the online
application. It may be ensured to furnish correct e-mail address to receive the registration
5) Candidates are advised to prepare a Demand Draft and fill necessary details in system generated application form as per given space in bank details column.
6) With respect to post at Sl.No.1, 2 & 3 applications of OBC/EWS candidates will be considered subject to production of OBC/EWS Certificate in the prescribed format.

Format of EWS is available on NCPUL’s website.
7) The candidates at Sl.No.1 and 3 who applied in response to notice published in the Employment Newspaper dated 24 February – 2 March, 2018 and fulfilling the eligibility criteria on the closing date of application of this notice and like to apply afresh need not to pay application fee again.
(Note: Candidates should have valid email ID. This will help him/her in getting Admit
Card/Interview advice etc. by e-mail.

For more details visit Online Registration of Application on http://www.urducouncil.nic.in
and http://www.onlineprocess.in/ncpul