77% of Global Indians maintain a strong connection to India, with 80% interested in its future success
Pune, 18th November 2021: HSBC has launched its first-ever ‘Global Indian Pulse’ report, delving into what drives the connection between Global Indians and India.
While the vast majority (77 per cent) of Global Indians surveyed share a strong connection with India, when it comes to what makes them feel most connected, there’s a marked generational divide. While first (69 per cent) and second-generation (52 per cent) Global Indians put their family at the top of the list of things they miss about India, third-generation Global Indians place food (42 per cent) and culture (39 per cent) firmly ahead of family (30 per cent).
Commenting on the findings, leading Indian actress Katrina Kaif – herself a second generation Global Indian – says: “I’m lucky enough to have travelled all around the world, and whenever I’m overseas the Global Indians I’ve met have always felt a strong connection to India whether through family and friends, or food and culture.
“Every time I’m away from India for work it’s my family and friends I miss the most, but I’m always struck by how popular our Indian culture and cuisine is, particularly among younger Global Indians. It’s a way of staying connected to your roots , and it’s unique elements like food and And love of cinema which tie Global Indians together wherever they are in the world.”
The Global Indian Pulse is the most comprehensive cross-border study into Global Indian attitudes of its kind. Canvassing the opinions of 4,152 people across nine countries and territories with a prominent Global Indian presence, it provides new understanding of the emotional and financial connections that ties three generations of Global Indians to both India, and to the countries* that they were either born in, live in, or have settled in.
The report examines whether Global Indians plan to either return or live in India in the future, and while just 4 per cent of Global Indians surveyed have never visited India, three fifths (61 per cent) report they are planning to live in India at some stage in their lives.
However, this is not necessarily a permanent move, with over three quarters (78 per cent) of second generation and more than four fifths (85 per cent) of third generation Global Indians surveyed saying they still plan to retire in their current country of residence.
Raghu Narula, Head of Wealth & Personal Banking, HSBC India, said, “HSBC’s Global Indian Pulse report highlights the sense of pride among Global Indians in India as it continues to develop on the world stage. This comes through clearly, not just in the economic developments, but also in the growing soft power India exhibits through culture, food and sport.
“These connections with India are very important, as they help improve the standing of Global Indians in the countries where they live, and also present opportunities for direct investment in the future of India.”