Cardiologists deliberate on ‘Precision Medicine’ in Cardiovascular diseases

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Pune, October 09, 2017: Until recently, Genomics OR precision medicine has mostly been referred to patients with Cancer. Its application and effective use in Cardiovascular diseases has been minimal. Personome, a global molecular company organized a symposium inviting cardiologists, surgeons and physicians from across India to deliberate on the impact of Genomics from an India perspective. The symposium featured recent developments in molecular genomic technologies and their application in cardiovascular diseases. The discussion was headed by Prof Dr Calum MacRae, who is board certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular diseases and is a world renowned cardiologist and genomics expert at the BWH Genomics Center in Boston and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Dr. MacRae shared insights on thecomprehensive profiling of genes and analyzed their clinical significance to be pathogenic or benign for the stated condition. The tests and the reports presented stratify the risk element for the patient which make them aware of the probable occurrence of the condition, therapy management and prognosis based on interpretation of genomic test data.

While presenting the report, Prof. Dr. Calum MacRae, Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) said”Indian medicine has the opportunity to transform to global clinical care through its incorporation of genomics into its dynamic and rapidly evolving ecosystem of medicine.”

Dr. C. N. Makhale, cardiologist, Ruby Hall Clinic, emphasized- “Genomics is rapidly gaining its rightful importance in cascade testing and pharmacogenomics in cardiovascular medicine.”

Dr. G. S. Nagi, cardiovascular surgeon, added “This new era of genomics is a learning curve for all and a wonderful tool in prognostication. There is a dire need for an evidence based approach and there is tremendous knowledge unmasked with respect to genomics in cardiac functionality.”

Dr. Ishwar Zanwar, cardiologist, further commended “Genomics harbours the practical implementation approach in cardiology for multiple, unexplained syndromes prevalent in the Indian population”.

In conclusion, Dr. Ketan Khurjekardetermined, “The integration of genomics in medicine is moving at a fast pace complementing and boosting the conventional approach. Genomics is the future and will propel wellness and good health in a positive direction.”

Aniket Ausekar, Co-founder and CEO, Personome said – “Precision medicine is atargeted approach that will provide a higher state relief to the patient. In the larger picture, it will also benefit the patient monetarily. At Personome, molecular genomics based assessments within cardiovascular diseases are broadly classified as: Arrhythmia, Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Congenital heart disorders, Pharmacogenetics, as well as Risk stratification and Prognosis of CAD. Personome foresees a phenomenal change in the current healthcare scenario by studying patient’s genomic and biomarker signatures.”

For a country like India, although awareness levels are still picking up, globally precision medicine has been a widely accepted innovation.