CISF At Pune Airport Gets Excellent Rating In ASQ Result Of 2020 Conducted by Airport Council International For 24 AAI Airports

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Sushant Ranjan
Pune, 1st March 2021: Airport Council International (ACI) has conducted a feedback survey on Airport Service Quality (ASQ) for the year 2020 at 22 Airport Authority of India (AAI) controlled airports in the category of airports having a capacity of 02 to 05 million.

ACI, having headquartered in Montreal, Canada is a worldwide trade organization of airport authorities, which conducts an ASQ survey every year for different categories of airports on a total of 36 parameters. This year due to COVID19, ACI is conducting ASQ Survey on 33 parameters.

Out of these 33 parameters, four parameters are concerned with security. The survey team has assessed Pune Airport security as Excellent in all four parameters as below:
1.Courtesy and helpfulness of security staff
1st quarter 4.37
4th quarter 4.80

2.Thoroughness of security
1st quarter 4.39
4th quarter 4.80

3.Waiting time at security
1st quarter 4.21
4th quarter 4.73

4.Feeling being safe and secure
1st quarter 4.62
4th quarter 4.85

In categories of parameters from Poor>fair>Good>very good >excellent, ASG Pune jumped from Poor to Excellent in the first three parameters whereas it could manage from Good to Excellent in the 4th category.