Forgiveness – The one quality the world needs

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Addressing a crowded gathering at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission on the occasion of Good Friday, Dada J.P Vaswani said: “Jesus belonged to the brotherhood of Krishna and Buddha. His life, like that of Krishna and Buddha, was radiant with the light of compassion, love, forgiveness. 
Year after year, Good Friday returns to remind us of our duty to forgive all who have wronged us, exploited us, or in any other way offended us.
When Jesus was crucified, he had the immortal prayer on his lips: ‘Father, forgive them’. If there is one quality the world needs, more than anything else, it is the twice-blessed quality of forgiveness. It blesseth the forgiver and the forgiven alike.”
Forgiveness is the main teaching of Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani whose birthday itself is observed as Forgiveness Day on August 2. Known as The Moment of Calm, it is a Global Forgiveness Moment, where people all over the world are urged to observe August 2 at 2 pm local time, as a time to forgive and seek forgiveness. The main motive of observing this day is to bring about love and peace in the world. Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani believes, “Love has many forms. Perhaps, the noblest amongst them is – forgiveness! The one who forgives becomes the recipient of true peace and happiness.”