Former Indian Navy Veterans Laud PM Modi’s Intervention for Their Release from Qatar Captivity

indian navy personnel released by Qatar
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New Delhi, 12th February 2024: Eight former Indian Navy veterans, who were enduring months of harrowing captivity in Qatar, have been released, with seven of them returning to India. These former soldiers, initially sentenced to death on charges of espionage, are now expressing gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his intervention, which played a pivotal role in securing their release.

After being released on Sunday, they returned to India early morning today.

The former soldiers, whose death sentences were commuted to life imprisonment, acknowledge PM Modi’s sustained diplomatic efforts and the Indian government’s legal assistance as crucial factors in their freedom.

One of the former Navy personnel shared his sentiments, stating that without PM Modi’s intervention, their release would not have been possible. He highlighted the Prime Minister’s tireless diplomatic efforts, including raising the matter with Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, as instrumental in securing their freedom.

Expressing relief and happiness upon returning home, the former naval personnel stated, “I want to thank Prime Minister Modi because this would not have been possible had it not been for his personal intervention to ensure our release. I also want to express my gratitude.”

Another released veteran emphasized the pivotal role played by PM Modi, stating, “Without PM Modi’s intervention, we would not have been freed. He worked tirelessly, and without his efforts, we would not be standing in front of you today. He granted us freedom through his tireless efforts and intervention at the highest level, for which we are grateful.”

Echoing the sentiments of his fellow released veterans, another former Navy officer acknowledged the significance of PM Modi’s personal intervention. He stated, “We, along with our worried family members at home, have been waiting for this day for a long time. It all came to fruition because of PM Modi and his personal intervention in this matter. He elevated our case to the highest level of the Qatar government and ultimately ensured our release.”