Monsoon Winds Approach Bay of Bengal, Set to Reach Kerala by May 31

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Pune, 20th May 2024: The onset of the monsoon season appears imminent as monsoon winds have reached the southern Bay of Bengal, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, as reported on Sunday. Favorable conditions have emerged, indicating the progression of monsoon rains, with expectations of the monsoon winds entering Kerala by May 31.

According to the Meteorological Department, heavy monsoon rains have been observed over the Maldives, the Comorin area, the Nicobar Islands, the South Andaman Sea, and the southern part of the Bay of Bengal on Sunday. These heavy pre-monsoon rains are crucial for the monsoon’s advancement towards Kerala. It is essential for sea breezes to flow from the Arabian Sea, spanning the entire four and a half-kilometer thickness above sea level, from west to east. Currently, these sea breezes occupy half of the required thickness. Thick clouds are anticipated over the Southeast Arabian Sea and the Kerala coast, accompanied by heavy rains expected to persist for about a week.

Additionally, the presence of 30 km/h sea breezes parallel to the land from the southwest direction towards Kerala is necessary. Presently, these winds are turning north and then northwest, but an improvement is anticipated. Furthermore, there is a requirement for the emission of 190 watts of long-wave heat energy per square meter area from the surface of the Arabian Sea into the sky. The current capacity of 200 watts has exceeded this requirement by 10 lakhs. Out of the 14 rain gauge stations scattered across Kerala, 10 stations need to record 2.5 mm or more rainfall. While this list is currently incomplete, it is expected to expand.

Consequently, the movement of monsoon rains from the Andaman Islands to Kerala is expected to accelerate, with the possibility of the monsoon rains reaching Kerala between May 28 and June 3.

In the meantime, hot and humid conditions are forecasted to prevail at isolated places in Konkan for the next two days. Additionally, districts in Konkan, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, and Vidarbha are likely to experience light to moderate rain accompanied by gusty winds of 40 to 50 kilometers per hour and scattered lightning at isolated places. Vidarbha and Marathwada regions are expected to witness light to moderate rain with isolated lightning and gusty winds.