Muslim Co operative Bank Posts 6 crore 11 Lakh profit

Muslim Co operative Bank has posted net profit of 6 crore 11 lakh in financial year 2017-18,informed Dr PA Inamdar,Chairman ,Muslim Co op Bank ,in a 86th General Body meeting held at Assembly Hall of Azam Campus (Pune Camp) on 16th September 2018.
The Muslim Co operative Bank which has 27 branches in state and head office in Pune, has sought permission from reserve bank to open of more branches in cities of Maharashtra.
Bank has deposits of 567 crore 60 lakh ,and provided loans of 345 crores 72 lakh, to its members.NPA of bank is 8.45 percent in this financial year and received class ‘A’ in Audit.
Bank provided digital banking services like RTGS-NEFT Go Live to its customers and planned for services like net banking and SWIFT (foreign transactions)
Board of Directors,Members and employees of bank were present in this general body meeting .