Over 40,000 people lost jobs, salaries in Pune, campaign launched to reinstate them

NITES launches campaign to reinstate sacked employees
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Pune, June 4, 2020: In the difficult times of Coronavirus pandemic, when there is a ban on gathering of more than five people, National Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES), a union of employees, has launched an online protest against illegal layoffs and unethical demands for changes in the labour laws by National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM). It’s a campaign to reinstate the employees.

NITES General Secretary Harpreet Saluja said, “In Pune, more than 40,000 employees have either lost their jobs or salaries. There are companies against whom the NITES has filed a complaint with the Labour Commissioner Office. Even after receiving  notices from the Labour Commissioner Office, companies are still asking employees to leave, and have reduced their wages.

NITES campaign message states, “Dear friends, a lot of our colleagues have lost their jobs and salaries recently. Under such difficult circumstances, employees are unable to join any other company. It has become next to impossible for these employees to fulfil financial obligations, and take care of their families. Hence, we have started a campaign in which you need to write on a paper #JusticeforEmployees, hold it in your hands and click a snapshot. Share the snapshot on NITES WhatsApp number 9834959325.”

This is a silent protest against illegal layoffs by the organisations as companies are violating government orders openly. NITES would be sharing the photographs so that the Government takes cognizance of the complaints, and issues orders to reinstate the employees.

The campaign message further said, “If anyone wants to keep their identity confidential please hold the poster covering your half or full face. But it’s a humble request to support and take part in the campaign so that affected employees can get their jobs back. Thanks.”