Prime Minister Modi Announces “Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana” for Rooftop Solar Installation

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Amit Singh

New Delhi, 22nd January 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter (X) today to share a significant announcement, unveiling the government’s ambitious plan to launch the “Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana.” The initiative aims to install rooftop solar systems on one crore houses across the country, a move that aligns with the Prime Minister’s vision of making India self-reliant in the field of energy.

In his tweet, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the universal energy derived from the light of Suryavanshi Lord Shri Ram and connected it to the auspicious occasion of the consecration in Ayodhya. Expressing a strengthened resolve, he highlighted the need for the people of India to have their own solar rooftop systems on their houses.

The key objective of the “Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana” is not only to reduce the electricity bills of the poor and middle class but also to contribute towards making India more self-sufficient in the realm of energy. This initiative aligns with the government’s commitment to harness renewable energy sources and promote sustainable practices.

The announcement comes as a proactive step towards addressing both energy needs and economic considerations for households. Installing rooftop solar systems is expected to empower citizens by providing them with a clean and renewable energy source while simultaneously fostering economic independence through reduced electricity expenses.

As the government gears up to implement the “Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana,” it signals a significant stride towards a more sustainable and self-sufficient future for India. The plan not only resonates with environmental consciousness but also aligns with the broader vision of the nation’s leadership to propel India towards a greener and economically empowered trajectory.