Pune Police reach out to their funny bone as they ask people to stay indoors during the Coronavirus lockdown

Pune Police Corona Ukhana
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Pune, April 3, 2020: Amidst the Coronavirus lockdown, the Pune Police have yet again reached out to their funny bone, engaging Twitteraties in a hilarious exchange of Marathi ‘Ukhana’ (funny two-liners).

With people struggling to stay indoors, the Pune PoliceTwitter handle has been appealing to the people not to leave their homes, with funny Marathi two-liners, often rhyming.

The police have cleverly appealed to the topics sensitive to the Punekars while spreading the message.

The Police have drawn inspiration from a trend that earlier began on Facebook amongst several others started on the social media platform by people to pass their time. Facebook users began digging up old photos of their friends, posted several years ago, and commenting on those using these funny, rhyming ‘ukhanas’. Pune Police picked up on the response these hilarious comments received, and began using those to ask people to stay indoors.

Maharashtra Police have also followed the trend, and have begun tweeting witty two-liners.


The Twitterattis have been nothing but impressed by the Pune Police as usual, and have been appreciating their sense of humour, along with  applauding their continuous work to keep the city and citizens safe in this time of crisis.

Pune Police Twitter handle is popular for its funny tweets and quick-witted responses. On several occasions, the police have engaged in hilarious banter with Twitter users, gaining applause for themselves, at the same time creating awareness in the public.