Pune Rural SP Pankaj Deshmukh Revealed How Porn Makers caught Red Hand At Lonawala

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Pune, 18th April 2024: In an exclusive interview with Punekar News, Pune Rural SP Pankaj Deshmukh revealed details of a recent operation by the Pune Rural Police, nabbing culprits involved in making pornographic content. Acting on valuable intelligence, the police raided the Bunglow in Lonawala which was occupied by accused for the production of illicit films. In this raid, Police caught the accused red-handed.


Pankaj Deshmukh in an interview with Punekar News Said, “We had an inkling about such activities happening at a specific location at Lonavala. The location is secluded from urban and has a proximity to Mumbai. Basis this, accused chose this place and were silently engaged into their activities”.


Acting on this confidential information, a team led by SP Pankaj Deshmukh conducted a raid on the Arnav Villa bungalow in Patan village near Malavali on Friday night, resulting in the apprehension of individuals engaged in the production of pornographic films.



This action led to the arrest of 18 persons, including five women, involved in this illicit industry. The Police is further investigating the case. The action clearly shows that Pune Rural Police is committed to upholding law and order in their jurisdiction.