Pune Set to Enjoy Conveniently Aligned Public Holidays Throughout the Year In 2024

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Pune, 28th November 2023: In the upcoming year, employees and students in Pune are in for a boon, as a series of public holidays have been strategically positioned to coincide with weekends, providing ample opportunities for extended breaks and planned activities.

At least six public holidays have been earmarked throughout the year to fall on weekends, offering the chance to organize trips, family gatherings, and various engagements with ease.

The calendar unfolds an alignment of public holidays. Republic Day, observed on January 26, aligns conveniently with a Friday in January, kickstarting the year with a long weekend. Following suit, Shiv Jayanti, celebrated on February 19, falls on a Monday, thereby merging with a weekend in February. March brings a cluster of three holidays, Mahashivratri (March 8), Dhulivandan (March 25), and Good Friday (March 29), all coinciding with weekends, offering extended leisure time.

Looking ahead, June marks Bakri Eid (June 17) and September commemorates Eid-e-Milad (September 16), both falling on weekends, granting the populace extended breaks. October continues the trend with Gandhi Jayanti on October 2, followed by the commencement of Navratri on October 3, paving the way for a weekend holiday on Dussehra. Diwali, commencing from Vasubaras on October 28, extends into the weekend with Naraka Chaturdashi on October 31, Lakshmi Pujan on November 1, and Deepawali Padwa on November 2. November 3 marks the conclusion of Diwali festivities.

Adding to this festive lineup, Guru Nanak Jayanti, observed on October 15, contributes to the string of weekend holidays, enhancing the prospects for community engagements and celebrations.

The alignment of these holidays with weekends presents a promising opportunity for people to plan and relish their year-round activities, ensuring a balanced work-life harmony.