Railways launch Integrated Social Media Platform (Facebook & Twitter) for Redressal of Grievance
With the ever increasing use of Social Media and its impact in the day to day life of public, it has become a preferred medium for people to interact with large organizations world over. In this direction Indian Railways has been successfully handling more than 7000 tweets daily of various nature (complaints/suggestions/assistance). After its immense success (more than 10 lakhs followers on Twitter), Indian Railways will now be interacting with its fans and followers on Facebook through leveraging IT for prompt and speedy resolution of issues. The Integrated Social Media platform is made functional from today (15.06.2016) for the posts received on Twitter and Facebook.
Any passenger or rail user can now post his grievance/suggestion/assistance on our Facebook Page (“Ministry of Railways – India”). A system has been put in place to analyse the Facebook Post and the same will be forwarded internally to the concerned Divisional Railways Manager (DRM) by the staff working round the clock in the Social Media Cell at Railway Board. Prompt action taken by the DRM on the grievance will be posted on the same page. This will be monitored at the Railway Board level in order to ensure that the grievances are redressed by the respective DRMs satisfactorily.
This will give an option to more than 9 lakh people who are following the Facebook page of Indian Railways to lodge their grievance/suggestion and ask for assistance through this popular social medium.
The Management Information System (MIS) Reports generated through this platform will be used for the system improvement of the Railways in due course.