Redefining life insurance marketing, Max Life Insurance takes new age customers through a Virtual Reality tour of ‘Journey of Life’

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New Delhi, 8th July 2019: Pioneering the use of Virtual Reality (VR) for experiential marketing in the Indian life insurance industry, Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd (“Max Life/Company”), is bringing new age customers closer to the “Journey of Life”. As a company at the forefront of digitization, it is organizing a unique walk-in experience across its 200+ offices, that’ll invite customers to experience a virtual reality ride through the different stages of life from childhood to marriage to parenthood to retirement. Coinciding with Max Life third ‘Protection Day’ (three months since Company announced that it will dedicate the 6th day of every calendar month as ‘Protection Day’ towards driving awareness regarding financial protection), the initiative will help establish how life keeps evolving across various stages, making the need for an evolving protection cover equally important.

Commenting on the occasion, Aalok Bhan, Director & Chief Marketing Officer- Max Life said, “In India, the uptake of life insurance is still alarmingly low, and most do not fully realize the need for a policy until a life event triggers action. Effective life insurance marketing that identifies and reaches out to customers at the right time with the right message, can be a powerful means of bridging this gap. At Max Life, we believe in driving customer engagement via innovative marketing and branding efforts. Our experiential virtual reality (VR) activity will take customers through a fun ‘Journey of Life’ – a roller coaster with lots of twists and turns helping them realize the need to plan upfront for every life stage be it childhood or marriage, parenthood or retirement. Through the means of this initiative, we aim to help our customers become financially smarter and strengthen our commitment towards building a financially protected nation where #YouAreTheDifference.”

Being organized from 8th to 12th July 2019, the virtual reality initiative will serve to build awareness among customers regarding comprehensive protection cover required to support all stages of life.