November 11 – With the commencement of the Bi Centennial Celebrations at the Golibar Maiden on 11 November 2017 a new chapter has been added in the history of Pune Cantonment. An eventful journey of 200 years has seen fructification of many successful projects for the residents of Pune Cantonment.
The chief guest of the event Shri Dr Subhash Bhambre, Hon’ble Raksha Rajya Mantri alongwith number of civil and military dignitaries praised the functioning of Pune Cantonment Board, appreciated its clean surroundings and the pollution less great environment. Later the Chief guest distributed “Open Defecation Free” Certificates to ten Cantonment Boards of the Southern Command for their meritorious services. The President Cantonment Board elucidated the history of Pune Cantonment duly highlighting the importance of Pune Garrison which subsequently became the Head Quarters of Southern Command. He brought out the numerous projects undertaken by Pune Cantonment for the upliftment of the inhabitants of the Cantonment and informed that the Pune Cantonment has been chosen as one of the Twelve Smart Cantonment under “SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN”.
The programme received special applause from audience due to the marvelous performance by the cultural artists from Mega Group who performed six different cultural dances of our great country, highlighting unity in diversity.