Speaking volumes of SUCCESS! CREDAI National President Satish Magar Advises Newbies In Real Estate

Satish Magar Pune Magarpatta City
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Dream Per Square Feet Magazine
Pune, 10th June 2022: Mr Satish D Magar President CREDAI National, Founder of Magarpatta Township Development and Construction Company Limited, advises newbies that there is no substitute for hard work. Sincerity and discipline in work take you a long way.

A leading realtor, Satish Magar came into this profession purely by chance. The Magars had an ancestral property that was within city limits. According to the 1982 draft, it was proposed that this land would have to be surrendered for construction to meet the needs of growing urbanisation. In 1987, they gave a tough fight to retain the agricultural status of this land. However, people around began the construction of buildings and it was not possible to stay as an island in the city.

So, they gradually started development. Inclusive growth was the main concept. They grew by partnering with landowners and entrepreneurs. They always lived in harmony. They had accepted that they could not pursue agriculture anymore. Industrial acquisition and construction were growing rapidly. They realized that they had to go with the change and so they gave their hearts to it. After the success of Magarpatta, they felt as if they could do anything. They moved on to the Nanded city project. They proceeded in the same fashion by bringing farmers together. Within no time they had 7500 bookings in hand at a very good rate but the plan was not yet sanctioned though they had taken environment clearance. They peeped within to see whether they could build so many flats on their own. Sensing incapability, they had to return people’s money and restart. There is no point in becoming over-ambitious. One should first build one’s capability and then take up huge projects. They had to survive in the gap of 1.5 years. The market had changed, speculative buyers were in competition. They learnt a lesson that one should always deliver what has been promised. There should be no compromise in quality.

Post pandemic requirement was for an additional room; taking isolation and work-for-home scenario into consideration. Earlier there would always be an extra room which got replaced in flat culture. Each one wants his or her own house. This urge gave a boost to this business.

Pandemic also brought in digitalization and e-commerce. New changes were on the threshold and Satish Magar foresaw how Pune would be a hub of growing digital business.

According to Satish Magar, realtors create assets that are permanent and have emotional value too. They provide not just houses, but homes that have psychological bonds too.

He also reflects on the last two years of the pandemic when every profession faced a setback. Financial discipline is very necessary to combat unforeseen problems. Only then can one sustain. He also underlines that they were wrong in not using social media for advertising and for underestimating the power of channel-partnering. They have taken up these two things and decided to aggressively market their schemes.

He advises newbies that there is no substitute for hard work. One should do what one can and not what one wants! Sincerity and discipline in work take you a long way.

(The article was first published in Dream Per Square Feet magazine)