Sudhir Mishra join hands with critically acclaimed filmmaker Raj Amit Kumar for his second project BROWN

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Mumbai, 7 April 2021: Independent filmmaker Raj Amit Kumar, known for UNFREEDOM, a critically acclaimed film that was banned in India and later distributed worldwide by Netflix, has recently got Sudhir Mishra on board as executive producer for his second movie BROWN. BROWN is a heart-wrenching feature film shot in Butte, Montana, about a quiet immigrant being chased by ICE Agents (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) while trying to make a safe home with a young white orphan girl rescued from abuse.


This time Kumar addresses the stereotypes we have about Immigrants by giving a personal perspective of a displaced man’s options and choices. In a world where we are constantly told to create walls against outsiders– BROWN is an intimate film that shows us the human side of the immigration social debate.


Sudhir Mishra, well known for Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, Dharavi, and Chameli amongst others will play a very vital role in getting the due attention from the audience but also motivate and support independent filmmakers to create independent and experiential content. Speaking about BROWN Raj Amit Kumar adds, “In the current political climate where immigrants are seen as threats, and being stereotyped to be feared as criminals, rapists, child molesters etcetera, it is important to take on the challenge of a more human depiction of the experience of a contemporary immigrant. Fear is being mobilized politically to garner votes.


An assumption has been made that votes can be collected by instilling fear against immigrants and with the promises of “building walls” against them. For me, BROWN is an extension of my goals as a filmmaker. It is a story relevant to today’s issues of immigration, drug epidemics, and minorities trying to make an honest living. BROWN is a thought-provoking social criticism meant to make us think about what and why we believe what we believe about the world around us.” Speaking on his association with the movie, Mr. Sudhir Mishra adds “Raj is one of the very few interesting minds I have met in recent times and his film BRWON is a very thought-provoking as it highlights the real time experiences of an immigrant, an outsider, which I believe is important aspect to be showcased via cinema. I also believe one should make a film that stems from within which will eventually be great peace of work. Kumar’s UNFREEDOM was banned by the Indian government, but went on to receive notoriety and critical acclaim from critics and festivals around the world and now BROWN is his second socially complicated story that strives to discuss another kind of human issue. Independent filmmaking is very lonely, but I am glad to see directors like Raj and new generations joining the trend. It just ensures exposure to more exciting cinema.” Kumar wants to make his films with people who appreciate cinema that take risks and tells important stories in an engaging and engrossing style and thus to get this untold story out into the world, the team of the movie has kickstarted a fund-raising campaign which would further help the team with post production work.