Vacancy for Lecturer, Physiotherapist & Others at National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (Divyangjan)

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1 – Associate Professor (Orthopaedic)-01 (UR) By Direct/Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-12 (Rs.78,800-2,09,200), Age Below 40 years.

Educational Qualifications & Experience :- M.S. (Orthopaedics) or Diplomate National Board (Ortho.) (i) As Assistant Professor / Sr. Lecturer in Orthopaedics for four years in a recognized medical college (in case of Direct Recruitment, 6 yrs. teaching and / or research experience after obtaining the post graduate degree qualifications). Desirable: -(ii) Minimum of four research publications indexed in index Medicus /National Journals.

Deputation: – Deputation Officers of the Central/State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1). Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or (2). With five years regular services in the grade of Assistant Professor (Orthopaedic) in the PB-3 G.P. Rs.6600/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/College/University


2- Associate Professor (Physiotherapy)-01 (UR) By Direct/Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-12 (Rs.78,800-2,09,200), Age Below 50 years.

Educational Qualifications :- Post Graduate Degree in Physiotherapy with at least 55% marks of an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed from a recognized University.

Experience:- 11 years of teaching experience (including 5 years as Assistant Professor in relevant field) from a recognized Institution/College/ University.

Desirable: – Ph. D in the relevant field.
Deputation: – Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or (2) With five years regular services in the grade of Assistant Professor Physiotherapy in the PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100/- GP Rs.6600/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/College/University


3-Assistant Professor (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)-01 (UR) By Direct/Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-11(Rs.67,700-2,08,700), Age below 40 years.

Educational qualifications:- M.D.(P.M.R)/M.D.(Medicine) with Diploma in PMR/M.S.(General Surgery)/M.S.(Orthopaedics) with two years special training in the Speciality of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Medicine) or two years of equivalent training approved in the subject in any approved institution in India.
Experience: Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Institute as Resident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor/RMO.
Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central / State Govt. / Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or (2) With five years regular services in the grade of RMO in the PB-3 G.P. Rs.5400/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/College/University


4- Assistant Professor (Rehabilitation)-01 (UR) By Direct/Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-11(Rs.67,700-2,08,700), Age below 40 years.
Educational Qualifications :- PG in Sociology/ Social Work / Psychology with Ph. D. in the field of
disability / rehabilitation.
Experience: – Five years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Institution.
Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central / State Govt. / Autonomous bodies.
1. Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or
2. With five years regular services in the Grade Pay Rs.5400/- or equivalent in a recognized Institution/College/University


5- Lecturer (SER)-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation.
Pay Matrix Level-10, (Rs. 56100 – 177500/-), Age below 35 years.
Educational Qualifications :- PG in concerned field (Social Sciences) with Ph. D in disability /
rehabilitation topic.
Experience:- Five years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Institute.
Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1). Holding analogous
posts on regular basis Or (2) With five years regular services in the Grade Pay Rs.4600/- or equivalent in a
recognized Institution/College/University.


6- Senior Physiotherapist-cum-Junior Lecturer-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-07(Rs.44,900-1,42,400), Age Below 35 years.
Educational Qualifications :- B.Sc. Degree in Physiotherapy from a recognized University.
Experience:- 05 years teaching experience in the field i.e. Physiotherapy.
Desirable: – Post Graduate Degree in the relevant field i.e. in Physiotherapy from a recognized University.
Deputation: – Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous
posts on regular basis Or (2) With six years regular services in the grade of Demonstrator (PT) or equivalent
in a recognized Institution/College/University in Physiotherapy.


7- Physiotherapist-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-06 (Rs. 35,400 – 1,12,400/-), Age Below 30 years.
Educational Qualifications :- Degree in Physiotherapy from a recognized University/Institute. Experience:- 02 years experience in the profession in a recognized Institution/College/University. Desirable: – Master in Physiotherapy.
Deputation: – Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous
posts on regular.


8- Occupational Therapist-01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-06 (Rs. 35,400 – 1,12,400/-), Age Below 30 years.
Educational Qualifications :-Degree in Occupational Therapy from a recognized University/ Institute. Experience:- 02 years experience in the profession in a recognized Institution/College/University. Desirable: – Master in Occupational Therapy. Deputation: – Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous posts on regular.


9- Staff Nurse-02 (01-OBC & 01UR) By Direct / Deputation.
Pay Matrix Level-07 (Rs.44,900 – 1,42,400/-), Age below 30 years.
Educational qualifications & Experience:- 1) Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery from a
recognized University / Institution with three years experience. 2) Registered as Nurse and Midwife under
Indian Nursing Council Act 1947 / any State Nursing Council.
Preference: – B. Sc. (Nursing) / Post Basic Diploma in Ortho. & Rehab. Nursing.
Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous
posts on regular basis in a recognized Institution/College/University.


10 -Stenographer Grade-III -01 (UR) By Direct / Deputation
Pay Matrix Level-04 ((Rs. 25,500 – 81,100), Age below 27 years.
Educational qualifications :- Graduate with 80 wpm in Shorthand and 30 wpm in typing. Or Graduate
with 100/40 wpm in shorthand and typewriting respectively.
Experience: – Two years experience as steno-typist.
Desirable :- Computer Application
Deputation:- Deputation Officers of the Central/ State Govt./Autonomous bodies. (1) Holding analogous
posts on regular basis.

11 -Electrician-cum-Pump Operator (Residential)-01 (UR) By Direct Recruitment
Pay Matrix Level-01 (Rs. 18000 – 56900/-), Age below 25 years.
Educational qualifications & Experience:- 1) Matriculation or Equivalent pass. 2) I.T.I. in Electrical
Desirable: – Passed Workman Permit Examination in class- 1(b), 2 & 4 from recognized Institute or Board.


1. The Applications duly completed in all respects and signed by the candidates in the prescribed format
along with self attested photocopies of relevant enclosures and other testimonials in respect of qualifications, age proof, category, experience, salary drawn, etc. should reach to the Director, National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (Divyangjan), B.T. Road, Bon-Hooghly, Kolkata-700090 within 30 days from the date of advertisement in the Employment News.

2. Applications should neatly typed/hand written on A/4 size plain paper as per the prescribed format. All
Columns of the application form should filled up and no column should be left blank.
3. Applications received through e-mail/late/incomplete will not be considered and the Institute will not
be responsible for any postal delay.
4. Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) is payable by candidates (No fees for SC/ST/Persons with
Disabilities) towards non-refundable application fees in form of account payee demand draft drawn in
favour of National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped, payable at Kolkata and should be
sent along with Applications Form.
5. Applications incomplete in any respect and not accompanied by copies of mark sheets / certificates /
proof of age, experience (present & previous) / other relevant documents, photograph, without fee,
unsigned and not in the prescribed format will be summarily rejected. 6. Recruitment of Group- ‘B’ (Non-gazetted) and ‘C’ post(s) shall be done on the following procedure:- No. Particulars Weightage of Total Marks
01 Written Test (Objective/ Multiple Choice Questions) 80%
02 Desirable Qualification 10%
03 Desirable Experience 10%
Total 100%
7. In case where no desirable qualification and desirable experience is required as per respective RRs,
100% weightage will be given to Written Test and in case where either desirable qualification or
desirable experience is required as per RRs, 90% weightage will be given to Written Test.
8. Candidates should write their Name, Name of the Post applied for, on the reverse of the bank draft.
9. Reservation/Age Relaxation to candidates belonging to different categories shall be as per
Government of India Rules.
10. Deputation will be governed by standard terms & condition of deputation as prescribed by
Government of India from time to time. Candidates applying on deputation, maximum age limit is 56
years as on closing date of receipt of the applications.
11. Candidates must ensure before applying that they are eligible according to criteria stipulated in the
advertisement. If the candidate is found ineligible at any stage of recruitment process he / she will be
disqualified and their candidature cancelled. Hiding of information or submitting false information
will lead to cancellation of candidature at any stage of recruitment.
12. Candidates working in Government / Autonomous bodies / PSU should apply through proper channel.
13. The prescribed essential qualifications & experience are the minimum and mere possession of the
same does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test/skill test/interview.
14. The decision of the competent authority in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of
applications etc. will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be
entertained in this connection.
15. The Institute does not undertake any responsibility for sending or replying to the candidates not
selected or not called for Written Test / Skill Test / Interview.
16. All correspondences regarding selection process (Date, venue and time etc) will be intimated to the
eligible candidates only through Speed Post / E-mail. The Institute shall not be responsible for any
non-receipt of any communication on any account whatsoever.
17. Canvassing and/or bringing influence in any form will disqualify the candidature.
18. The Institute reserves the right for any amendment, cancellation and changes to this advertisement as
a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving any notice.
19. The Institute reserves the right to reject any or all applications without giving any reason whatsoever.
20. The candidates selected on direct recruitment will be governed by the provisions of the New Pension
Scheme introduced by the Government of India with effect from 01-01-2004.
21. No interim enquiries/correspondence/communication of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
22. The applicants are advised to follow institute web site regularly for any amendments/updates.
23. Selected candidates may have to work in Kolkata or elsewhere at the centres of this Institute.
24. Candidate should write the ‘Name of the Post’ applied for and Advertisement Number on the top of
the envelope and separate envelopes should be used if applying for more than one post.