Vitamins: Key elements for your health and well-being

Key elements for your health and well-being Food fruits
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Learn about the essential vitamins your body needs to function optimally. Vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining human health and well-being. Find out how to make a proper diet to ensure that you get enough vitamins.

The most important vitamins for people

We have all heard that vitamins are necessary for the body. They play an essential role in metabolism; some are indispensable: the body cannot synthesize them.

But the word is used so often that sometimes it’s hard to understand. What substances do we need, and what can we do without? Is it possible while playing online slots from the best online casino in India to consume some kind of snack that will boost your vitamins and immunity? And what do we need vitamins for? Let’s find out in this article!

Vitamin A or retinol

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for healthy vision and skin. Retinol supports the conjunctiva and cornea and helps skin and bone cells divide and renew. The substances that make up vitamin A are called carotenoids.


They are found in vegetables: for example, one medium-sized carrot is enough to cover 100% of the daily vitamin A intake. So its deficiency is very rare. But an excess of retinol, on the contrary, is harmful. It can cause nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine

B vitamins are water-soluble substances necessary for normal metabolism and nervous system functioning. They do not accumulate in the body, so it is essential to replenish them every day.

Vitamin B1 plays a crucial role in our metabolism: it helps body cells turn carbohydrates into energy. Thiamine is also involved in muscle contraction and conducting nerve impulses. Sources of vitamin B1 include whole grains, meat, and fish. It is often added to breakfast cereals, rice, or bread.

One average serving of meat contains more than 30 percent of the daily allowance of thiamine.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin

Riboflavin also plays a vital role in metabolism: it helps extract energy from protein and supports cell growth, division and function. This vitamin is found in:

  • eggs;
  • by-products (liver or kidney);
  • milk;
  • green vegetables;

It is also often added to cereals and grains.

Vitamin B3, PP or niacin

Niacin is also an essential player in the body’s energy metabolism. It supports the nervous and digestive systems as well as skin health. Most people get enough of the vitamin from food because it is found in many familiar foods: meat, fish, milk, eggs, vegetables and cereals. Our body can synthesize tryptophan, an amino acid in protein foods.

However, a high dose of niacin causes unpleasant symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. So as helpful as it is, you should add it to your diet cautiously.

Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid

Like the previous B vitamins, Pantothenic acid helps us get energy from food. It is also necessary to produce fatty acids, hormones, and cholesterol. Vitamin B5 is found in almost all meats, vegetables and mushrooms. For example, 100 grams of beef liver will comprehensively cover the daily requirement, while one avocado will be 40% of the norm.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine

This vitamin helps produce antibodies and hemoglobin, essential for the immune and vascular systems. We need antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses; hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood.

Most vitamin B6 is found in fish, beef liver, and potatoes. Almost all fruits except citrus fruits are rich in them. So its deficiency is rare, and an overdose causes severe consequences up to ataxia. It causes a loss of control over movement.

Vitamin B7 or biotin

The body needs biotin to metabolize fatty acids, glucose and amino acids, which is also essential for gene function. In food, biotin is most often found in combination with proteins, although sometimes it can be found in an accessible form.

It can be found in eggs, fish, meat, seeds, and nuts. But it still needs to be clarified whether people need extra biotin because gut bacteria know how to synthesize it.

Biotin deficiency is rare: it has never been found in healthy people with a regular, varied diet.

Vitamin B9, folate or folic acid

Folate is essential for cell division and is especially important during pregnancy. Its deficiency during this period can lead to defects in the development of the brain or the child’s musculoskeletal system.

Folic acid is often found in foods: it is found in green vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts. Vitamin B9 is often added to bread and other cereal products. The most abundant are fruits, oranges, lemons, bananas, melons, and strawberries.

For example, a serving of spinach contains 33% of the daily allowance of folate.

Folate deficiency is rare. But during pregnancy, women are sometimes recommended to take additional folic acid until about the 12th week. It is also often prescribed to women during menopause to relieve unpleasant symptoms and reduce the risk of tumours.

However, before using any folate supplements, you should consult your doctor.

Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells: blood cells that carry oxygen. It is involved in metabolism inside the cell, the nervous system, and DNA synthesis. Our bodies usually store adequate vitamin B12, so deficiencies are rare. Most people get enough B12 from their regular diet. It is found in animal products.

Just one hard-boiled egg already contains 25 percent of the daily allowance.

But if you are a vegetarian, you better watch your levels because plant foods do not contain this vitamin. To increase its content in the diet, you can consume unique vegan products: soy milk or cereal enriched with the vitamin.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is essential for average growth, healing wounds, and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Humans cannot synthesize or store vitamin C in the body, so it must be constantly replenished.

But it’s easy to do: Vitamin C is abundant in fruits and vegetables. For example, a broccoli serving will likely cover your daily requirement. So vitamin C deficiencies are rare in developed countries.