Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Central becomes SANTA for 25 underprivileged kids
29 DEC 2018 , Mumbai: On the note of New Year celebration and Christmas day celebration, Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Central celebrates and distributes stationeries and clothes to more than 25 underprivileged children’s at Be a Santa Event. Keeping up the Christmas spirit Wockhardt Hospital hosted a fun filled afternoon of fun and games for underprivileged children from an orphanage in Mumbai.
Dr Parag Rindani, Head of Hospital Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Central says, “Christmas is about kindness, celebration and happiness. Since the last 5 years we aim to share the delight of the festive season by bringing smiles to the faces of orphanage kids.
This year too we created an unforgettable experience for the kids by spending time with them.
The event witnessed a Santa distributing sweets, games and music along with kids and Hospital staff. The event concluded with Christmas cheer by distributing gifts and sweets to all the children present.