Bangalore, October 19 : The renewed confidence in the current regime coupled with favourable economic growth forecast seems to having a positive impact on hiring sentiments states TeamLease Employment Outlook Report. According to the report, entry-level talent will be the biggest gainer in the current half year. Fresherhiring is expected to witness a 10% rise during the period October’15 to March’16.
A detailed study on job creation and hiring patterns, according to report the positivity is not just contained to the entry level talent, though at a moderate rate the buoyancy will be visible in the business and employment outlook across sectors and cities. While the business sentiment will see an uptick of 2 points, the employment outlook will grow by 3
basis points indicating stable growth.
Favourable prognosis for the economy by the United Nations, corporate citizenry expectant of the new government taking a leap of faith on reforms, and the continuing flurry of innovation activity result in an
incremental improvement in the number of employers looking to increase hiring and help keep up employment sentiment at 89%, a small, but significant, increase of 3 basis points over the previous half-year forecast.
Large and medium-sized businesses [+4 and +3 percentage points respectively] are likely to fill entry- and senior-
level positions [+10 and +2 points]. The numbers are coming in from metros and Tier-1 cities, all of the functional areas sans Sales and Marketing, and all of the sectors sans Financial Services and Telecommunications.
Modest growth in outlook is seen across sectors, most notably Information Technology, Infrastructure and Health & Pharmaceuticals [+3 percentage points each], and there is significant uptick in outlook across cities, with sentiments in Bangalore and Mumbai improving by 5 and 4 points, respectively. In Mumbai and Pune, these trends juxtapose to create a host of city-sector clusters that see upwards of 3-point increases in outlook.
The Infrastructure sector seems to be an early beneficiary of the ‘Make in India’ initiative with Manufacturing,
the actual intended beneficiary, expected to benefit with a lag effect. Swelling foreign exchange reserves and the government’s acceleration of projects have aided the sector in this growth. The number of jobs in the sector is projected to double over the next decade. Information Technology and Health & Pharmaceuticals are the other two sectors that stack up equally high [+3 points each].
The positive – albeit incremental – sentiment seen across most sectors and cities is only slightly negated by the few, even less incremental, negative sentiment in Financial Services and Telecommunications [-3 and -2 points, respectively] among sectors, and Delhi [-2 points] among cities. The negative outlook, in all these cases is attributable to the number of respondents intending to lower the pace of hiring.
The recurring theme of consumer maturity and technological innovation is now being ferociously leveraged by ecommerce businesses and technology startups. They debut impressively on our sector list with 84% of the respondents from the sector indicating the intent to increase hiring. Businesses in the sector are as much driven
by demand growth and hyper-competition as they are by severe attrition Elaborating on the report, Mr. Kunal Sen, Senior Vice President, TeamLease Services said, “With both the push and pull factorsaligned towards growth, employers are becoming keen to invest in talent acquisition. In fact, the overall sentiments have stabilized this time and we are confident that it will translate into action on ground as well over the next 6months.”
From a sectoral perspective, while e-commerce leads the pack with more than 84% of the respondents indicating an increase in hiring, Infrastructure, IT, Pharma & Healthcare are also contributing significantly to the employment growth.
In fact, talent in Infrastructure seems to the chief benefactors of the “Make in India” initiative. The sector is likely to add around 17 million jobs by 2025, up from thecurrent level of about 7 million. City wise, exceptDelhi most of the cities are exhibitingoptimism in business and hiring outlook. With a 5 and 2 pointincrease in hiring sentiment and job growth
Bangalore continues to retain its top slot.
A detailed drill down on the geography, hierarchy and functional area, as per the report hiring is still largely clustered in the metros. However, it is interesting to note that rural areas arecatching up though at a slower pace. Amongst functional areas, Information Technology, Engineering, Office and Blue collar staff continue to dominate the demand landscape.
An in-depth analysis, TeamLease Employment Outlook Report is a comprehensivestudy that brings forth the important employment and business trends that will play a significant role in determining how job creation and hiring pans out in India over the next six months. The studycovers 9 key industry verticals namely FMCG, Manufacturing &Engineering, BFSI, Telecommunication, Pharma & Healthcare, IT & KS, Retail and E-commerce & Technology Start-ups across 8 cities. The report serves as a reference manual to corporate houses to understand the employment trend in the present market scenario at major cities across the country.