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Pune – With 76th Army Dental Corps Day on 1st February round the corner, the new Command Military Dental Centre (CMDC) SC complex was inaugurated by GOC- in – C Southern Command, Lt Gen PM Hariz PVSM , AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC & Mrs. Zarina Hariz. Head of service, Army Dental Corps, Lt Gen TK Bandyopadhyay, VSM DGDS & Col Commandant, was also present on this historic occasion for this tertiary care Dental Centre. The inauguration was attended by many officers of Headquarters Southern Command as well as Senior Medical/Dental fraternity of Pune garrison and veterans. The new building has been constructed with all modern hospital architectural requirements and is an eco-friendly design which shall result in a holistic oral health care. Apart from the highly sophisticated Cone Beam CT machine and availability of Lasers and operating Microscopes, all surgeries are equipped with state of the art equipment and all treatment modalities from Complex Maxillofacial trauma, cosmetic surgeries to Implants shall be offered to the service clientele from the entire Southern Command, under one roof. Numerous patient centric amenities have been added with due consideration for geriatric clientele in the form of wheel chairs and a sliding ramp.