CR Officers and Staff contribute to PMNRF

Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister of Railways and Coal, has announced that Railways are committed towards providing all possible help in the hour of need to people of Kerala who have been affected by the floods extensively. Railways are now providing free transportation of relief material for Kerala through various State Government agencies, PSUs and other Government agencies.
Central Railway has taken initiative and it has been decided to deduct contributions from salaries of staff and officers from the salary of August 2018 and the proceeds will be remitted to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF). The exact amount of contributions will be known by 31.8.2018. Central Railway has around 90,000 staff and officers on its roll.
It may be noted here that Central Railway has already sent potable water in 14 wagons to Kerala, besides sending 27,000 kg of relief material to Kerala by different trains originating from Central Railway.