CR Saving of Rs.7.78 Crore per annum by replacing all Conventional Light Fittings with LED Lights.
As an initiative towards energy saving, the Ministry of Railways, under the able guidance of Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister of Railways and Coal, Government of India, directed all Railways to replace the conventional light fittings with LED (Light Emitting Diode) light fittings within a target date.
In accordance with directives of Ministry of Railways, Central Railway has replaced all conventional light fittings with LED light fittings in all service buildings. These service buildings approx. 2650 include administrative offices, hospitals, workshops, maintenance depots, schools etc. The total number of conventional light fittings i.e. 82,048 replaced with LED fittings. This will render the energy saving of approximately 72.88 lakh units per annum with a monetary saving of Rs 7.78 crore per year.
The stations buildings on Central Railway were already LED lit as per the target date of 31.3.2018
Shri D.K. Sharma, General Manager, Central Railway and Shri S.P. Vavre, Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, Central Railway appreciated the work done and congratulated all the staff of Electrical Department of Central Railway.