Delhi Government’s demand to have control over Delhi police

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A request dated 17.01.2014 from the Government of NCT of Delhi was received, wherein it was stated that while policing of NDMC & Delhi Cantonment areas may be kept with Central Government, policing of rest of Delhi may be transferred to Delhi Government. Another request dated 01.01.2016 was received from Government of NCT of Delhi citing the Supreme Court 2006 ruling on Police Reforms inter-alia requesting for certain modifications in the constitution/ working of State Security Commission, Police Establishment Board etc.

As per the special provisions with respect to Delhi under Article 239 AA of the Constitution, the subjects of “Public Order” and “Police” fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of Central Government.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary in a written reply to a question by Shri D.Raja in the Rajya Sabha today.