Delhi HC Allows Termination Of 33-Week Pregnancy; Says, “Mother’s Decision Is Ultimate”

New Delhi, 6th December 2022: Today (December 6), the Delhi High Court was hearing the request of a 26-year-old woman who is 33 weeks pregnant for a medical abortion.
The medical board of Delhi’s Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan (LNJP) Hospital informed Justice Singh today that it had rejected the request for a termination due to the advanced stage of the pregnancy.
The court said, “The mother has the last decision in situations of foetal anomalies during pregnancy since she must take into account the potential of a dignified life for the unborn child.”
The court added, “The mother’s decision is ultimately upheld by the court. The Court decides that medical termination should be permitted in light of this. The LNJP Facility or any other hospital of the petitioner’s choice may perform the termination right away.”