Experimental stoppages to PUNE-JAIPUR- PUNE Express at BHAVANI MANDI Station.

PUNE 1st OCT 2018 :
To facilitate Rail users Railway Administration have decided to halt train No 12939/12940 PUNE-
JAIPUR – PUNE Express Bi-weekly on an experimental basis at BHAVANI MANDI (BWM)
station for a period of six months. Train no.12939 Pune –Jaipur Exp up to 27.03.2019
and 12940 Jaipur- Pune Express up to 26.03.2019.
Train no Station Arr Dep Up to
PUNE-JAIPUR Bhawani Mandi
07:46 07:47 27/03/2019
JAIPUR –PUNE 14:26 14:27 26/03/2019.