Mentored by the men in Olive Greens, Army Institute of Technology, Pune downed curtains on their annual festivals under the umbrella of ALCHEMY on 17 Feb 16 in a glittering ceremony in Dighi Hills, the final day of the fest, which began with the fiction quiz contest, Ent-Moot and climaxed with Battle of the Bands, Apocrypha, which had nine bands performing through the evening, headlined by one of the most renowned bands in the city, Chehre. The festival included Sports, Technical and Cultural events to empower the budding engineers not only from the AIT but also draw on the talent from neighboring region as well.
This season started off with PACE 2016, the intercollegiate sports event, with more than 1500 participants from 30 colleges, Highlight of the meet was participation from the elite Army training institutions based in Pune i.e. NDA, AFMC, CME, and the CTW thus making it a Pentagonal meet including AIT. Endowed with open spaces and well developed sports infrastructure AIT ensured all the events took place in the lush green and clean campus of the college itself. AIT clinched the trophy for the first position in Squash, Basketball and Chess, and runners-up in Badminton, Table Tennis, Volleyball, while NDA stood unassailable in Lawn Tennis and CTW was placed second in Basketball. Cummins College proved they had no competitors winning every ladies event they participated in.
The inter college technical fest, SOLUTIONS 2016, is one of the biggest and most awaited technical events of the city. The three day fest saw a vast variety of vivid technical activities ranging from competitions to seminars to exhibitions. With the entire campus decked up as per the theme ‘Space Odyssey’, AIT saw a footfall of around 5k each day consisting of students from various parts of the country including prestigious institutions like IIT Powai in robotics related events. An exhibition on Space Research was put up by Dr Anant Sudarshan , Professor from ISSER, Pune . An intense battle of wits and brains was seen in the competitions. Mathematical brains raced against time in Ramanujan, Scrapheap Challenge and Tech Sudoku. Coders had a mind boggling time creating codes while new gen robotics was seen in the Transporter, Monster Bot Rally, and Pick and Place. Winners of these competitions were from DY Patil Engg College ( IC MANIA ) , Trinity College of Engg ( Robo Race ) , MIT Alandi (Pick and Place ) and A I T ( Line Tracer ) , winning over 50,000 / – cash prize. Innovative ideas were showcased in national level competitions Synopsis, Vulcan and Hacking Bad by mostly the final year students showcasing their true engineering potential.
The most prominent of all inter-college cultural fests, AMETHYST 2016 was the culminating stage of the college festival ALCHEMY.The zestful fest was a grand success with the whole campus buzzing and alive with energy and enthusiasm. Contenders from different colleges could be seen mingling about, deeply discussing their ideas and interpretations, or could be seen sipping coolers after a rigorous session of Extempore. Alankaar, the singing contest had more than 25 budding singers of Pune vying for the top position. Dias Interdiction (Debate) and Jury Rig (Extempore) competitions saw some serious issues heating up intellectual space. Jury Rig (extempore ) had some tough competition and despite that, AIT secured the second and third position. (Day Two of the cultural fest came to an end with the much celebrated Esmeralda, the choreography competition with 9 teams dancing away to glory as 1200 plus audience cheered their every move.AIT also proved that they are more than just reading the text books by securing the first and second positions in ENT-MOOT (trivia quiz on Lord of the ring, Game of thrones and Harry Potter).
The three day fest was a grand occasion and saw before seen levels of participation, both by other colleges and AIT students. AIT has made a mark in this city of students, by making its techno-cultural and sports fests fiercely innovative and competitive.