Hands of India

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Hands of India is not like any other clothing exhibition you see . It showcases work that is done by women in the rural areas for women all around the country. In Hands of India, the fabric or piece of cloth travels around quite a lot before being finished. The fabric can be woven in Andhra Pradesh for example, and it may go to Rajasthan for embroidery work. Furthermore it can go to Kashmir also for any other work.
According to Mrs. Malyada, the founder of Hands of India, along with the expertise and craftsmanship of the artisans, technology also plays a vital role in communication between the organization and various artisans across multiple locations. She also added that I never knew about any social media sharing platforms until one of her artisans in the villages told her about WhatsAPP and how it can be used to share designs of various fabrics instantaneously. There is now no need to wait for further communication as technology makes it happen easily.
Other unique points of Hands of India are:

– All the designs run for one year until they are replaced by new designs the next year.
– HOI exhibitions include changing rooms along with a live alteration counter in case any customer wants to make small alterations and it can be done in front of them.
– HOI offers a refund for any customer in case there is a fault with the product. They accept all returns whenever they get them and they have a customer support service also in case anyone needs to make a query.
– Each artisan woman who weaves the fabric, earns around Rs. 2000-2500 per month which is huge for them as they do their work from home. HOI provides a good work-life and household life balance for the women.
– HOI is assessed by the number of employment hours that they generate for their craftsman.
– HOI also train their employees to operate Microsoft Excel, handle customer support, Photoshop, email and customer interaction.
– HOI also is aiming to start a Provident Fund for all the employees so that they can have savings started. They also provide small-loans to employees in case an emergency arises.