ISH International launches Coolsense- Pain Numbing Applicator
Pune, March 26th 2018: For people who need frequent insulin injections, children who go through a battery of inoculations, or those on drips — here is a novel innovation that takes the sting off injections.
It is a common fear, known as trypanophobia. For around 10 per cent of the population in India suffer from the phobia. The thought of going to the doctors for an injection invokes a deep-rooted sense of dread. Many avoid the doctor’s surgery altogether, leaving themselves open to the risk of various illnesses and infections. But for those terrified of needles, a team of researchers at CoolSense have the answer. They have developed a new device, to ease the pain of an injection.
Their invention numbs the skin prior to the jab by producing a rapid chemical reaction to cool the patient’s skin.
Needles are usually seen as a necessary evil, but maybe they don’t have to be. Plenty of painless alternatives are in the place. Newer technologies are coming up to seek better means of managing pain. According the research total number of people suffering diabetic in India at present is around 10 crore and 25 % of these patients depend on insulin especially children. E-CoolSense is India’s first local anesthetic device which provides pain relief and prevents the skin from being harmed and burned during the injection.
For decades, drawing blood has meant a healthcare professional inserts a long needle into a vein or lances a fingertip – both of which are laborious and painful. With E-CoolSense, people can experience a virtually painless and simple process.
E-CoolSense is a Pain numbing application device which is a developed afteryears of extensive R&D by the parent company CoolSense LTD. A revolutionary, though simple, hand-held device,it anesthetizes the site of injections by a Cryo system with no chemicals and no after effects. The E-CoolSense’s head unit includes a disinfection mechanism, containing an alcoholic gel. The gel is spread over the applicator’s metal surface, serving as an additional protection against a skin cold-burn.
The device has the ability to freeze the sting area and paralyze the nerve sensation for several seconds, in such a way that the stabbing pain is not felt. The device is reusable. The device is based on cooling the E- Coolsense lowers the skin temperature from 12 degrees Celsius to minus of 2 degrees Celsius, which affects the nervous system. When stored in a freezer compartment, the device is immediately ready for use. It numbs the site of injection within 3-5 seconds.
Speaking about the product Mr. Shailesh Kulkarni, Managing Patner CoolSense Said,“There is a strong market need for this type of technology across numerous channels, such as reference labs, hospitals, retail pharmacies, doctors’ offices, wellness screenings, molecular diagnostics testing, athlete monitoring, and clinical trials. In these settings, E-CoolSense can offer a more efficient method and a greatly improved patient experience.”
Stressing on the importance Mr, Nitin Dighe said, Managing Patner CoolSense “Such methods are useful or sustainable for babies, children, adults and also elderly people. E-CoolSense is a device which can be used in various clinics, hospitals and home too for painless injection procedures. We are targeting anyone who has to get an injection, which is nearly everyone. But the device is especially applicable to people who are more susceptible to pain. As such, he said, it is particularly useful for children and the elderly. It is intended for use during procedures ‘where you have to get shots in more sensitive areas of the body, such as the face or the groin.”
Sharing his views on the occasion, Dr.Pankaj Gupta (M.D.), National co-convener of Private Practitioner’s Forum of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (ISA), a seasoned practioner in Nashik, while emphasizing on the need for having a device like Coolsense, said, “ “Most children dislike needles and are quite anxious about them; some develop a considerable fear (Trypanophobia). Almost all children & adults have no option but to have an IV cannulation when admitted in hospital for various reasons, the experience can be extremely traumatic & leaves bad memories of the hospital stay. During immunization & vaccination of children, a Coolsense will make the pin prick a pain free & happy experience for all. 10 crore people in India suffer from diabetes & many require Insulin injections repeatedly every day, Coolsense can be a boon for all these patients.”
Further stressing on the point he added,“Coolsense can be effectively used for patients on Dialyses, Chemotherapy administration, Cosmetic surgery & Dermatology for BOTOX injections on the face, Ophthalmologist/ ENT surgeon/General surgeon for various minor procedures while injecting local anaesthesia, for blood collection by the pathologist & also during blood donation camps. As an Anaesthesiologist I would say “For all the pleasures in life, relieving someone’s pain is our biggest gift to mankind”. “And Coolsense is the one perfect medical device I recommend to use to relieve the pain to ensure our motto.”