KAI National Junior Championship was inaugurated by Anurag Thakur – Member of Parliament and BCCI Secretary at Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, on May 20. More than 1200 karate players from 34 states are taking part in this official National event . The opening ceremony was also graced by Sh.R.P.Singh-National Secretary BJP and Sh.Pawan Monga-Secretary BJP Delhi. Karate Association of India also awarded Honorary Black Belt to Sh.Anurag Thakur for recognizing his valuable contribution and support for the development of Sports including Karate. It seemed to be a ceremony of grand success, KAI National Junior Karate Championship held at Talkatora Indoor Stadium , New Delhi from 20 to 22 May. Thanks to KAI Dynamic President Sensei Karate Thiagarajan and Sensei Bharat Sharma general secretary for his valuable guidance and support. Special thanks to EC members, Referee Commission, Organizing Committee members, Sports Commission, Technical Commission, Athlete Commission, Apollo Hospital, Talkatora Stadium Staff, Delhi Police and all 1200 Karate players 34 states and their Coaches for your valuable support, cooperation and contribution to conclude the event happily with great success and smile on each face.
Karate sports in coordinating with Karate Maharashtra by President Sensei Premji Singh and general secretary Sensei Viraf Vatcha and in our pune district region with Sensei Vikramsinh Shinde representative KAI and OGKI for Karate Maharashtra is progressing day by day under the banner of Karate Association of India in Pune, which is the only National Federation for Karate Sports in India affiliated with World Karate Federation, Asian Karate Do Federation, Commonwealth Karate Federation and South Asian Karate Do Federation.
Harleen Kaur , Pune’s player got an amazing experience and committed progress under the guidance of Sensei Vikramsinh Shinde.
Karate Maharashtra winners are: Karl Vatcha – Gold medal, Sushmita Darveshi – Gold medal, Vedant Doultakar – Silver, Vikrant Kale – Silver, Swardha Purao – Bronze , Pradnya Patil – Bronze, Karan Kamthe – Bronze, Under the hood of Karate Maharashtra.
By Sensei Premjit Sing – President.
Sensei Viraf Vatcha – General Secretary.
Mr. Vikramsinh Shinde – Representative Pune District (KAI) Karate association of India.
(Vaibhavi Dhotre is a law student of ILS Law college.)