Know How To Get E-Pass For Inter-State, Inter-District Travel In Maharashtra

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Mubarak Ansari & Sumit Singh

Pune, 23 April 2021: After the Maharashtra government imposed the strict lockdown, people will now require an E-Pass for their inter-district travel till May 1.

How to get an E-Pass for travel?

For interstate and inter-district emergency travel, you can apply for an E-Pass at You can also walk in to your nearest Police Station for assistance if you are not able to fill the online. The link is expected to get active in a day.

Who can apply for the E-Pass?

Inter-district or inter-city travel is allowed only if required for performing an essential service or in case of medical emergencies or attending unavoidable events like funerals or severe sickness of family. Anyone flouting the order in letter or spirit shall be punishable by a fine of Rs 10,000.

Can someone stranded in one city or another state travel in personal cars to hometown?
Persons stuck from others state may come in through flights or long-distance trains or long-distance buses and take taxis/public transport to his/her residence.

Is inter-district business travel allowed?
Inter-district business travel is not allowed.

Can people with flight bookings travel from various cities in Maharashtra to Mumbai airport by cab?

These may be allowed provided their origin city does not have an airport and every traveller in the taxi has a boarding pass. Implementing agencies must satisfy themselves of the veracity or genuineness of the claim though we may towards trusting the citizen. Anyone trying to misuse the trust will be fined as per the orders.

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