List of what to eat before, during and after an intense workout

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2 Sep 2019, Pune: If you are trying to lose weight then it is important to know what you eat before, during and after you exercise.

According to experts, quality carbohydrates are important pre-workout and lean proteins post-workout. Before you start with your exercise, eat carbohydrates, but not too much, said Nancy Cohen,


•Hydrating with water.

•Eating healthy carbohydrates such as whole-grain cereals (with low-fat or skim milk), whole-wheat toast, low-fat or fat-free yogurt, whole grain pasta, brown rice, fruits and vegetables.


•Fluids. Drink water, of course. Blend your water with 100% juice such as orange juice which provides fluids, carbohydrates.

•Carbohydrates. You burn a lot of carbohydrates — the main fuel for your muscles — when you exercise. In the 20-60 minutes after your workout, your muscles can store carbohydrates and protein as energy and help in recovery.

•Protein. Eat things with protein to help repair and grow your muscles.

A review paper by researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia suggested that carbohydrate ingestion can improve endurance exercise performance. The paper was published in the ‘Journal of Nutrition’.