Local Trains Cancelled Due To Mega Block on Pune- Lonavala section On 21st April (Sunday)
Pune, 20th April 2024: Central Railway, Pune Division will operate Mega Block on its Pune-Lonavala section for carrying out various engineering and maintenance works on 21.04.2024.
Cancellation of Suburban Services between Pune- Lonaval- Pune section. The details are as under:-
Up suburban Services
1 01564 Pune- Lonavala local leaving Pune at 11.17 hrs
2 01566 Pune- Lonavala local leaving Pune at 15.00 hrs.
Down Suburban Services
1 01561 Lonavala-Pune local leaving Lonavala at 14.50 hrs
2 01565 Lonavala- Shivaji Nagar local leaving Lonavala at 17.30 hrs.
Apart from the above, 01574 Shivajinagar- Lonavala local leaving Shivaji Nagar at 19.10 hrs will depart from Pune at 19.00 hrs instead of Shivaji Nagar.
These maintenance mega blocks are essential for infrastructure upkeep and safety. Passengers are requested to bear with the Railway Administration for the inconvenience caused.