Maharashtra: Student Organisations Demand Refund Of Class 10 Exam Fees

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Pune, 27th April 2021: As Maharashtra state education minister Varsha Gaikwad declared that the class 10th exam will be canceled this year, some student organisations have demanded to refund the examination fees to the students of class 10th.

Due to Coronavirus infection, the state government decided to postpone the Class 12th examination and cancel the Class 10th examination. More than 16 lakh students across the state have registered for the Class 10th examination. The State Board charges Rs 415 per regular student and Rs 395 per re-examine for the examination. As a result, more than Rs 66 crore has been deposited with the State Board.

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Although the cost of question papers and answer sheets for the examination has already been incurred, the written examination itself has been canceled and Supervisors will no longer have to be paid an honorarium, the cost of the flying squad, etc. Therefore, it has been demanded to refund the fees of the students of class 10th.

State Board President Dinkar Patil said, “Action will be taken as per the instructions of the state government regarding the demand for a refund of examination fees of the students.”


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