MHA issues Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) to facilitate Movement of Persons by Train

People board Shramik Special train in Pune
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National, 12 May 2020 : Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) to facilitate movement of persons by train.


Movement of passengers to & fro and entry at the railway station would be permitted only on confirmed e-ticket. There would be compulsory medical screening of all passengers. Only asymptomatic persons would be allowed to board the train. During the travel and at the railway stations, Strict adherence to Health/hygiene protocols and social distancing.


All passengers would be provided with hand sanitizer at entry and exit points at station and in coaches. Further, it would be ensured that all passengers wear face covers/ masks at entry and during travel. On arrival at their destination, the traveling passengers would have to adhere to such health protocols as are prescribed by the destination State/ UT.


Movement of trains shall be permitted by Ministry of Railways (MoR), in a graded manner, in consultation with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) and MHA.