Mukul Madhav Foundation makes India raise support for daily wagers through voice notes.

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Pune, 4 May 2020 – The lockdown has taken a toll on the mental well- being of daily wagers. While Mukul Madhav Foundation has extended support with provision of grocery essentials, they also made an effort to emotionally support the cause of providing emotional support too for the daily bread earners who are currently struggling with  loss of identity and purpose due to the lack of work

Every year, 1st May is celebrated as World Labour Day and just when the world was supposed to be celebrating them, they spend every waking minute in fear of being able to survive this global pandemic and nation-wide lockdown.

Thousands of skilled workers around the country are struggling to make ends meet, as their daily work came to a halt and so has their income.

While, Mukul Madhav Foundation continues the relief work by providing them with groceries, one day on one of the regular drives, a volunteer heard something that really opened our eyes. We realised that while our current efforts were supporting these workers in these difficult times, most of them struggled to accept this new fate. The same daily wagers who took pride in being able to feed their families with their hard earned money, now were forced to seek help. Understandably so,  this along with the fear about the uncertain times that lie ahead of us was causing them emotional and mental stress.

So MMF once again with the help of their digital supporters began a unique collection drive. This time, they were collecting words of hope and reassurance through their campaign #VoiceYourSupport

In no time, people from around the country started pouring in their support through voice notes.

This #WorldLabourDay, MMF gave these labourers a gift that has been made specially for them with love and hope sent by people from across the country