National Interfaith Peace Conference by AISSC in Pune aims to help build a United India!

Pune 2nd October 2022: All India Sufi Sajjadanashin Council ( AISSC), Ajmer Shareef, on the day of Gandhi Jayanti organised an Interfaith National Conference on “Communal Harmony with special reference to Constructive Youth Engagement & Transformation”. The conference was held at Pune on October 2nd, 2022 at Dr. Nitu Mandke IMA House Auditorium, Shukrawar Peth, Tilak Road, Pune, from 1100 Hrs. to 1400 Hrs. It was presided over by Hazrat Sayed Naseeruddin Chishty Sahab Chairman- All India Sufi Sajjada Nasheen Council & Successor of Sajjadanashin Dargah Khwaja Sahab Ajmer Shareef. The purpose of this conference is to promote Communal Harmony, Strengthen National Integration, Foster Unity in Diversity through collaborative social actions and awareness programs, and encourage interfaith dialogue for India’s Shared Security, Peace & Prosperity.
Major religious leaders dharamgurus participated in the conference including , His Holiness Hazrat Sayed Naseeruddin Chishty Sahab ( Janashin of Dewan & Sajjadanashin Hazrat Khwaja Sahab Nawaz (Rz) Ajmer Shareef ), Gyani Grupreet Singh ji, ( Head Priest , Gurudwara , Pune), His Grace Gaur Lila Prabhu ( Head Priest, ISKON , International, Camp, Pune) , Prama Poojya Shri Hawa Mallinath Maharaj Neeragudi (National President Jai Bharat Matta Seva Sameti , New Delhi) , Rev. Danial Morris ( Reverend at Church of North India, Pune ), Mr Gautam Bhujang ( General Secretary, Buddhist International Network, Pune District and Sadguru Pandit Machindra Maharaj from Pune.
The Conference was attended by more than 200 people including ladies and children. Speaking on the occasion Rev. Danial Morris ( Reverend at Church of North India, Pune said that the latent objective of all faith traditions in India has been to establish a peaceful society through moral and spiritual upliftment and national development to provide a powerful impetus to the advancement of our shared heritage of Unity in Multiplicity. Gyani Grupreet Singh ji, further added that we can only strengthen our national integration through interfaith harmony and peaceful co-existence! His Grace Gaur Lila Prabhu from ISKON International said that all religions teach love affection and harmony however its individual greed and their vested interest that demonise the religion. In the end His Holiness Hazrat Sayed Naseeruddin Chishty Sahab ( Janashin of Dewan & Sajjadanashin Hazrat Khwaja Sahab Nawaz (Rz) Ajmer Shareef said that The real purpose of this event is to end the growing atmosphere of hatred and communal disharmony which is harming India’s ancient syncretic culture. India has been the land of Mystics of all religions including the Rishis, Sufis and Saints of Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. As a matter of fact, the basic element of Indian culture and spiritual ecosystem is unity in diversity. He urged people to imbibe mutual understanding and exercise patience and restraint and espouse mutual brotherhood and love. He said youths of the country have greater responsibility and should do all efforts to maintain harmony and peace. We just cannot live in isolation. Just as if only one type of flower is there in a garden, then there is no beauty, in the same way, India is a multilingual, multicultural and multireligious melting pot in which different religions, faith traditions, and languages, all go together and India makes the land such a bouquet that accepts and integrates all. He added that interfaith dialogue is essential to avoid fanaticism which leads to confusion. “The selfish evil forces with vested interest promote fanaticism to divide and to create communal disharmony to fulfil their selfish desires. But interfaith dialogue provides space for people of different religions to come together and discuss their religions, clarify the doubts and promote inter-religious understanding and creates inter-religious relations, which avoids frictions between religious and religious communities.” He said Pune is the cultural capital of Maharashtra, and we all should organise such interfaith Conferences to promote national integration and brotherhood.