Needy girls from SNDT Kanyashala received uniform,shoes and  educational fees .

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Pune, July 12, 2018: Needy girls from SNDT Kanyashala received




niform and


hoes at the hands of Bhar


ti Kishor Pate, Director, Amit Enterprises Housing Limited. She also provided educational fees of these 50 girls for the academic year 2018-19.
Marked dignitaries like Suvarnalata Kale, Principal, SNDT Kanyashala, Madhavi Kulkarni, Vice Principal, SNDT College, Dr. Anand Jumale, CEO, SNDT Kanyashala and Junior College, Bhagwan Deshpande, President, Samarth Mandal Trust and Dinesh Boralikar, Assistant General Manager (Admin), Amit Enterprises graced the event with their presence.