Pune: Alandi Municipal Council Intensifies Property Tax and Water Tax Collection Campaign

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Varad Bhatkhande

Alandi, 31st March 2024: Over the past four months, the Alandi Municipal Council has been diligently conducting a property tax and water tax collection campaign. As the financial year draws to a close, the intensity of this campaign has heightened over the last ten days. Alandi Municipal Council Chief Officer Kailas Kendre revealed that during this period, a total of 14 properties have been sealed, and 48 tap connections have been severed as part of enforcement measures.


In the fiscal year 2023-24, significant progress has been made in tax collection, with 70% of property tax amounting to 7.50 crores and 30% of water tax totalling 50 lakhs successfully collected. Efforts are underway to recover the remaining arrears through the Alandi Municipal Council’s proactive measures. This enforcement drive will persist into April, with all council officers and employees fully engaged in the initiative. Those who persistently neglect tax payments despite repeated home visits and reminders will face consequences.


Funds allocated by the government to civic local bodies are primarily earmarked for new projects, leaving maintenance and repairs reliant on internally generated revenue, chiefly sourced from citizens’ taxes. Thus, the prompt payment of property tax and water tax by residents is vital to enhance the quality of civic amenities and services.


Alandi Municipal Corporation Chief Officer Kailas Kendra told Punekar News, “The tax collection campaign will persist beyond March, with continued action against defaulters. The drive will extend throughout the upcoming financial year, starting April 1, 2024. I urge citizens to pay taxes promptly to avoid penalties and maintain essential services.”