Pune: BJP MLA Sunil Kamble Abuses PMC Woman Engineer, Audio Goes Viral

Pune, 26th September 2021: An audio clip of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Sunil Kamble abusing a woman officer of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has gone viral on social media. The conversation is said to be few months old.
According to officials, the woman works as an engineer with the drainage department of the PMC. Pune Cantonment constituency MLA Kamble spoke to her on his supporter’s phone regarding clearing bills for some work.
When she replied that he should speak to her senior officer, Kamble got enraged and started abusing her. She gave back the phone to his supporter. Kamble asked him to keep the phone on speaker mode and again abused the woman officer.
MNS leader Rupali Patil Thombre and NCP leader Rupali Chakankar warned of agitations if Kamble did not apologise to the woman officer.