Pune: Chief of Army Staff Gen Manoj Pande Reviews 146th NDA Passing Out Parade

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Khadakwasla, 24th May 2024: General Manoj Pande, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), oversaw the Passing Out Parade of the 146th Course of the National Defence Academy (NDA) at Khetarpal Parade Ground, NDA, Khadakwasla on May 24, 2024. A total of 1265 cadets participated in the parade, with 337 cadets marking the completion of their training.

Among them were 199 Army Cadets, 38 Naval Cadets, and 100 Air Force cadets, including 19 from Friendly Foreign Countries such as Bhutan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Maldives. Additionally, a contingent of 24 female cadets, currently in their third and fourth term of training, also took part in the parade.

As the cradle of military leadership, the NDA stands as the nation’s premier Joint Services Training Institution. The 146th course commenced in June 2021, and after three years of rigorous military training, the cadets graduated in a grand ceremonial event. They will now proceed to their respective Pre-Commissioning Training Academies.

Battalion Cadet Captain (BCC) Shobhit Gupta was honored with the President’s Gold Medal for achieving the first position in the overall order of merit. Academy Cadet Adjutant (ACA) Manik Tarun secured the President’s Silver Medal for standing second, while BCC Anni Nehra received the President’s Bronze Medal for securing the third position. The prestigious ‘Chiefs of Staff Banner’ was awarded to Golf Squadron for emerging as the Champion Squadron, an accolade presented during the parade.

The Reviewing Officer extended congratulations to the passing out course cadets, medal winners, and the Champion Squadron for their remarkable achievements. He expressed gratitude to the proud parents of the passing out course cadets for entrusting their motivated wards to serve in the Armed Forces. The Reviewing Officer encouraged the cadets to uphold the spirit of jointness as they progress in their service, and underscored the significance of technological advancements in shaping the future of military affairs.

Following the Passing Out Parade, a solemn ceremony was held at the Hut of Remembrance, National Defence Academy. Here, General Pande paid homage to the brave individuals whose names are engraved in the hallowed precincts. Constructed by the cadets of the 10th to 17th Course NDA, the Hut of Remembrance symbolizes bravery, courage, and selfless service. Its walls narrate tales of unwavering courage, valor, and countless sacrifices made by NDA alumni over the past 75 years.