Pune Congress Candidate Ravindra Dhangekar Accuses Devendra Fadnavis of Divisive Politics

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Pune, 4th May 2024: Ravindra Dhangekar, the Congress candidate for Pune Lok Sabha, expressed his views on Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis, stating, “Fadnavis has played politics in Maharashtra by sowing seeds of discord within families and parties. His misguided policies have adversely affected numerous lives, leading to a lack of trust among the people. It’s evident that his manipulative tactics have not gone unnoticed by the citizens, who will shun him in the future.”

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi convened a meeting in Pune yesterday to support Ravindra Dhangekar’s candidacy for the Pune Lok Sabha constituency. Before this event, journalists engaged with Dhangekar, during which he remarked, “The common people are now rallying behind us due to the injustices and lack of principles exhibited by the current government. Their actions have inflicted pain on the populace.”

Expounding further, Dhangekar emphasized, “Maharashtra reveres its icons such as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Mahatma Phule, Shahu Maharaj, and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, whose ideologies continue to inspire. Throughout history, visionary leaders like Yashwantrao Chavan, Vasantdada Patil, and Shankarrao Chavan propelled Maharashtra’s progress. However, instead of following in their footsteps, Fadnavis has chosen to align himself with criminals, thereby tarnishing his legacy. I urge him to abandon such divisive politics, or he will find himself isolated in the future.”