Pune Custom Vigilance Awareness Week
The Pune custom officials observed ‘Vigilance Awareness Week’ from October 31. During this period custom official organised a ‘Walkathon’ with theme – My Vision Corruption Free India on November 2 to sensitize publice on importance of citizen participation to check corruption and increase vigilance.
About 1000 officers of Pune Customs and GST zone under the aegis of MVS Choudary, Commissioner Customs and N Sridhar, Commissioner GST Audit started from ICE House and walked through the city areas raising awareness on the Vigilance issues.
During the week a Grievance Redressal Camp was also set up in the ICE House premises to address the issues of the trade and raise awareness on change in law and procedures after implementation of GST.
Quiz and debate competitions on anti corruption topics, administering of Integrity pledge, a seminar with keynote address by Dr Anwar Shaikh, Principal Poona College of Arts, Commerce and Science were also organised which received a good response and participation from the staff members.