Pune: Kayani Bakery’s Brand Name Exploited In Online Scam To Cheat Customers, Police Complaint Filed

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Camp, 20th January 2024: Cyber scammers have reportedly exploited the iconic Kayani Bakery’s reputation in Pune by mimicking its website and creating a fraudulent Google listing, leading to a significant online scam. Victims placing orders through the deceptive website and Google listing have allegedly lost thousands of rupees.

Owners of Kayani Bakery have lodged a complaint with Pune city police, highlighting the fraudulent use of their brand name in online fraud. Paurushasp Kayani, one of the partners, revealed the existence of a fake website, “kayanibakeryonline.com,” and a corresponding Google listing, both used for deceptive activities. Legitimate orders can only be placed through the official website “www.kayanibakerypune.com.

Since December 2023, numerous individuals have reported monetary losses, with one person losing Rs 1.35 lakhs to the scam. The fraudsters exploit the fake Google listing by convincing victims to place orders through WhatsApp, where they employ various tricks, including sending QR scanners and OTP numbers, to siphon money from their bank accounts.

To counter the scam, Kayani Bakery has posted a message under the Google listing, emphasizing that they do not request OTPs for transactions and have no online delivery support through calls. The bakery has communicated with Google about the fraudulent listing, but corrective action is yet to be taken.

Rustom Kayani, another bakery partner, expressed frustration over the misuse of their brand name, causing damage to their goodwill and reputation. The Kayani Bakery, established in 1955, holds a prestigious rank among the world’s legendary dessert places. However, this is not the first time they have faced such issues, having filed complaints against scamsters posing as delivery agents in 2022.

Senior police inspector Narendra More, in-charge of the Lashkar police station, confirmed receiving complaint application filed by Kayani Bakery partners.