Pune: Moneylender Performs Aghori Puja For Friend’s Death, Case Registered

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Loni Kalbhor, 9th December 2023: Another case of witchcraft has surfaced in Pune. An illegal moneylender conducted Aghori Puja at night in the Sortapwadi crematorium, addressing a personal dispute over a business matter and leading to heightened tension in the area.

It has been disclosed that Ganesh Tatyasaheb Chaudhary, an illegal moneylender, performed the Aghori Puja on Thursday night (December 7). Engaged in a business dispute with his friend Amol Manmode from Sortapwadi, Chaudhary resorted to Aghori Puja in the graveyard as an attempt to avert harm to his family and their destruction. Shockingly, he even recited a mantra to bring harm to his own family. The revelation that Chaudhary frequents the Sortapwadi crematorium at night for various Aghori pujas has caused a commotion in the area.

In Pune district, recognized for its progressiveness, Aghori pujas are still being conducted in graveyards. Recently, at Vaikunth Crematorium in Pune, two transgenders performed Aghori Puja in front of a burning pyre. This incident follows the recent case of extortion of Rs 1.8 lakhs in the Sasanenagar area of Hadapsar.

Once again, Aghori Puja has been performed in the Sortapwadi village crematorium near Pune for the death of a friend, triggering significant concern among the villagers.

Upon learning of this disturbing incident, the residents of Panchkroshi were left shocked. Subsequently, Manmode filed a complaint against Chaudhary with the Pune Rural Police.