Pune: PCDA Southern Command Organizes Unity Day and Vigilance Week

Pune, 1st November 2022: “EktaDiwas” was celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of the country’s first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Bharat RatnaSardarVallabhbhai Patel, and a grand event was organized in the office in remembrance of former Prime Minister Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi on 31/10/2022. Simultaneously, the Vigilance Awareness Week was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the Chief Guest of the event, Dr. Rajeev Chavan, IDAS, Principal Controller of Defense Accounts, Pune. Along with this, the statues of late Sardar Patel ji and lateSmt Indira Gandhi ji were garlanded by the chief guest and flowers were offered by other IDAS officers.
Mrs. Pooja Bhatt, Senior Deputy Controller of Defence Accounts administered the oath of Unity dayto everyone in Hindi and Mr. OmkarMoghe, Deputy Controller of Defence Accounts administered the oath in English to all. Later, Mrs. Pooja Bhatt read out the message of Her Excellency, The President of India to all and Mr. Alok Kumar Tiwari, Assistant Controller of Defense Accounts read out the message of the Vice President. Shri OmkarMoghe, Deputy Controller of Defense Accounts read out the message of Hon’ble Prime Minister and Shri SwapnilHanmane, Assistant Controller of Defense Accounts read out the message of Chief Vigilance Commissioner, New Delhi. Shri Alok Tiwari ji, while giving information about various competitions and other events organized during Vigilance Awareness Week, requested everyone to participate actively in these competitions and give their valuable inputs in making the event interesting and successful.
In his remarks, the Chief Guest, while reminding of the extensive work of SardarVallabhbhai Patel, said that Patel ji had a great deal in shaping today’s vast united India and in maintaining the Indian Administrative Services even after independence. Contribution. At the same time, remembering the late Indira Gandhi, who is an inspiration for all women, , the Chief Guest said that due to this great personality, our eastern borders are safe because Bangladesh was created on her indomitable courage and strength, due to which the country got a safe border. On the above occasion, he also explained in detail about the need of various important investigative agencies of the country along with the Central Vigilance Commission, their formation and their functioning. In order to make India corruption free, all the attendees were advised to taketheir duties as seriously as they uphold their rights. An important announcement of publishing E-Vigilance Magazine “DAKSHTA” was made by the Chief Guest on this occasion , probably it will be the first initiative of its kind in the whole country. A copy of the same will also be sent to the “Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi” which will be a commendable effort.
At the end of the program, Mr. OmkarMoghe, DCDA, conveyed the vote of thanks. Mr Brijesh Shukla conducted the whole event.