Pune: Retd ACP Barge Files PIL in Supreme Court for ‘Risk, Harship Allowance’ for Police

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Pune, April 24, 2020: Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Bhanupratap Barge from Pune has filed a public interest litigation (PIL) in Supreme Court of India through Advocate Rajesh Inamdar, and Amit Pai, Advocate seeking risk and hardship allowance to all the police personnel’s across the country who are presently serving on the frontline in view of the present lock down situation due to the COVID 19 situation in the country.

The petition apart from seeking risk and hardship allowance seeks: a. Direction to all the State Governments to exempt all such police officers from COVID-19 duties who are above 48 years and with medical conditions (Diabetic, heart diseases and other chronic ailments. The Petition states that officers who were infected of COVID-19 unfortunately died in line of duty were above 50 years with medical conditions. Petition also relies on the guidelines of WHO which suggests that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical
conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

b. Supply basic protective gears to police officers. The medical staff and doctors are being provided with all the protective gears, etc. Whereas, the police personnel are often found only wearing mask and patrolling, while baring the onset of the summer heat, to ensure that things are smooth. Hence, basic Protection kits specially to the officers posted in containment/hotspot areas is imperative.

c. Owing to the serious shortage of police personnel, and the fact that police personnel are also contracting COVID 19, it is quintessential for the Respondents to, on ad hoc basis, recruit persons with special training to dealing with Bio weapon and to man the law and order situation so that the officers are unnecessary exerted and compelled to carry out duties for 14/15 hours.

d. The decision of some States to deduct the salary of the Police officers is demotivating and acts as penalty and a direction is also sought that salaries to all such officers be paid in full without deductions.

The Petitioner is retired has been the first Indian police officer to have received 430 awards including the Presidents Police Medal for Meritorious Service by President of India and an International award for action against terrorists called the ‘Survivors Club Membership’.

The Petition is drafted by Advocates Rajesh Inamdar, Amit Pai and Sailesh Mhaske, Adv Rajesh Inamdar, who is also from Pune is advocate practising in Supreme Court of India and has appeared in various high stake matters including the Maharashtra Government formation matter. The Petitioner is requesting for urgent listing of the matter.

ACP Bhanupratap Barge
ACP Bhanupratap Barge